Based on OECD’s Creditor Reporting System (CRS), the GODAD provides geo-localized information on aid projects from 18 European donors and the United States for the 1973-2020 period. We geo-locate CRS data via a natural language processing approach and provide auxiliary information about projects along several dimensions, including donor and recipient countries, donor agencies, flow type (grants, loans, other official flows), sectors and sub-sectors of aid, and commitment and disbursement amounts. We also include data on aid projects from China (2000-2021), India (2007-2014), and the World Bank (1995-2023). Please cite the original sources of all data, as we indicate below.
We currently provide panel data aggregated on the ADM1 and ADM2 levels for World Bank projects, Chinese projects, and Indian projects. We also provide project-level data for World Bank and Chinese projects. We intend to upload the full 1.0 dataset on March 15, 2025. If you would like to use sub-sets of our data before the official release, please write to with a short explanation of what you would like to use the data for. You can access GODAD here:
Please cite the GODAD as:
Bomprezzi, Pietro; Dreher, Axel; Fuchs, Andreas; Hailer, Teresa; Kammerlander, Andreas; Kaplan, Lennart; Marchesi, Silvia; Masi, Tania; Robert, Charlotte; Unfried, Kerstin (2025). Wedded to Prosperity? Informal Influence and Regional Favoritism. CEPR Discussion Paper 18878 (v.2).
Other geocoded aid resources
AidData’s Global Chinese Development Finance Dataset 3.0, 2000 – 2021.
Custer, S., Dreher, A., Elston, T.B., Escobar, B., Fedorochko, R., Fuchs, A., Ghose, S., Lin, J., Malik, A., Parks, B.C., Solomon, K., Strange, A., Tierney, M.J., Vlasto, L., Walsh, K., Wang, F., Zaleski, L., and Zhang, S. 2023. Tracking Chinese Development Finance: An Application of AidData’s TUFF 3.0 Methodology. Williamsburg, VA: AidData at William & Mary.
Dreher, A., Fuchs, A., Parks, B. C., Strange, A., and M.J. Tierney, 2022, Banking on Beijing: The Aims and Impacts of China’s Overseas Development Program. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
AidData’s Global Chinese Development Finance Dataset 2.0, 2000 – 2017.
Custer, S., Dreher, A., Elston, T.B., Fuchs, A., Ghose, S., Lin, J., Malik, A., Parks, B.C., Russell, B., Solomon, K., Strange, A., Tierney, M.J., Walsh, K., Zaleski, L., and S. Zhang, 2021, Tracking Chinese Development Finance: An Application of AidData’s TUFF 2.0 Methodology. Williamsburg, VA: AidData at William & Mary.
Dreher, A., Fuchs, A., Parks, B. C., Strange, A., and M.J. Tierney, 2022, Banking on Beijing: The Aims and Impacts of China’s Overseas Development Program. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
World Bank Disbursement Data: World Bank disbursement data, 1991 – 2023 (geocodes since 1998 only). Kersting, E. and C. Kilby, 2021, Do Domestic Politics Shape U.S. Influence in the World Bank? Review of International Organizations 16(1): 29-58.
World Bank Geocoded Research Release 1.4.2, World Bank projects data, 1995 – 2014. AidData, 2017, World Bank Geocoded Research Release 1.4.2 Geocoded Dataset. Williamsburg, VA and Washington, DC: AidData.
Humanitarian Aid Data, Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance (1990-2019). Bommer, C., Dreher, A., and M. Perez-Alvarez, 2022, Home Bias in Humanitarian Aid: The Role of Regional Favoritism in the Allocation of International Disaster Relief, Journal of Public Economics 208: 104604.
Indian Development Cooperation Projects, 2007 – 2014. Eichenauer, V., Asmus, G., Fuchs, A., and B. Parks, 2021, Does India Use Development Finance to Compete with China? A Subnational Analysis. AidData Working Paper #110, Williamsburg, VA: AidData at William & Mary.
Uganda AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.4.1, Development projects in Uganda, 1978 – 2014. AidData, 2016, Uganda AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.4.1 Geocoded Dataset. Williamsburg, VA and Washington, DC: AidData.
Colombia AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.1.1, Development projects in Colombia, 1994 – 2017. AidData, 2016, Colombia AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.1.1 Geocoded Dataset. Williamsburg, VA and Washington, DC: AidData.
DRC AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.3.1, Development projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 1998 – 2014. AidData, 2016, DRC AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.3.1 Geocoded Dataset. Williamsburg, VA and Washington, DC: AidData.
Honduras AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.3.1, Development projects in Honduras, 1994 – 2017. AidData, 2016, Honduras AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.3.1 Geocoded Dataset. Williamsburg, VA and Washington, DC: AidData.
Nigeria AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.3.2, Development projects in Nigeria, 1988 – 2014. AidData, 2016, Nigeria AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.3.2 Geocoded Dataset. Williamsburg, VA and Washington, DC: AidData.
Senegal AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.5.1, Development projects in Senegal, 2000 – 2012. AidData, 2016, Senegal AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.5.1 Geocoded Dataset. Williamsburg, VA and Washington, DC: AidData.
Somalia AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.1.1 Development projects in Somalia, 2000 – 2014. AidData, 2016, Somalia AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.1.1 Geocoded Dataset. Williamsburg, VA and Washington, DC: AidData.
Nepal AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.4.1 Development projects in Nepal, 1997 – 2014. AidData, 2016, Nepal AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.4.1 Geocoded Dataset. Williamsburg, VA and Washington, DC: AidData.
Iraq AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.3.1 Development projects in Iraq, 2002 – 2014. AidData, 2016, Iraq AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.3.1 Geocoded Dataset. Williamsburg, VA and Washington, DC: AidData.
Burundi AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.0, Development projects in Burundi, 1994 – 2017. AidData, 2017, Burundi AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.0 Geocoded Dataset. Williamsburg, VA and Washington, DC: AidData.
Sierra Leone AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.0, Development projects in Sierra Leone, 1992 – 2014. AidData, 2017, Sierra Leone AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.0 Geocoded Dataset. Williamsburg, VA and Washington, DC: AidData.
Timor Leste AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.4.1, Development projects in Timor Leste, 1998 – 2015. AidData, 2016, Timor Leste AIMS Geocoded Research Release 1.4.1 Geocoded Dataset. Williamsburg, VA and Washington, DC: AidData.
AidData’s Geospatial Global Chinese Development Finance Dataset 3.0, 20,000 geocoded Chinese development projects, 2000 – 2021. Goodman, S., Zhang, S., Malik, A.A., Parks, B.C., and J. Hall, 2024, Scientific Data 11: 529.
If you would like to include your data on this webpage, please let us know at